261 Blog

Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

A woman in a purple 261 Fearless running shirt stands smiling next to a banner of the 261 Fearless running group

New Master Coach in Education

Welcome to the team, Lori!

We are so proud to welcome Lori to our Master Coach team. She is our newest Master Coach candidate, learning her new role and tasks on the job. Master Coaches train future 261 Coaches at the Train the Trainer certification courses and offer education and mentoring far beyond the initial training. Lori is now part of a team of 7 Master Coaches in Austria, UK and USA and is learning what it means to have this role. Find out more about Lori and her experience as a Master Coach:

“Hi, my name is Lori Fox, and I began running 9 years ago. Although, I was late to running I embraced it wholeheartedly. In 2016, I met Kathrine Switzer at the Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon, and she told me about 261 Fearless. When I learned about the 261 Fearless mission of uniting and encouraging women through running, I knew I found something truly unique and special. So, I became a 261 Coach in 2019, and began coaching with the 261 Fearless Club GNY-Rochester. I was able to witness, first-hand, the impact 261 Fearless Club GNY-Rochester was making on the club members, and I wanted to pay it forward and reach more women. I applied to become a Master Coach. I am learning so much! The 261 curriculum is rigorous, as it should be, as education is the key. With each session I delve deeper into the content /curriculum of 261. It has been an amazing journey so far, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to become a 261 Master Coach.”

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